When you use a moving company, you still need to make things a little easy for yourself. For example, if there are items that will not move with you then it is important to get rid of these items or at least put them off to the side. Full service moving companies do everything for you, such as packing, crating, storage and hauling. This is so you do not have to worry about your move, especially if you need storage for a little while before you move from La Costa to someone else in the US.
You will want to speak with the mover the day they come to pack things up. Make it very clear what is not to be packed or what you are leaving behind. This will help to keep things moving smoothly. You may also want to get insurance for your items. It is true that the moving company will need to have insurance, but their insurance is different and may not cover your items while they are on the move. You definitely want to have coverage if you will have a long distance move.
It is important that you examine the contract you have signed. This contract will tell you about the terms and conditions, including what will happen if your goods are damaged during the move. The bill of lading is the important document to keep on hand because this is the agreement. It explains what you owe and why, as well as if there will be any incidentals.
Lance Grooms