A military move is not exactly a surprise. When enlisted in the military, a move can happen at any time. There are three steps that can make your military move slightly easier than normal.
Packing up is going to provide you with a long list of things to do. It is best to stay organized with checklists. Checklists help you to keep the relocation in perspective. Even though you may not have several months to plan, it is still important for you to keep things in line.
On moving day you will definitely have many things to keep up with. If you have little children it can be more difficult to keep them out of the way, and also out of trouble. Your planning will definitely pay off for your relocation. It is best to take plenty of breaks, eat well, and help keep stress away by making certain that you have a plan and you follow it.
The next step to your relocation is going to be settling in. Once you reach your new destination you have to settle in and find places for all of your items. You definitely want your home to be organized so that everything is easy to reach.
A part of settling in is letting your friends and family know where you are. You will find it is easier to send an announcement all at once, whether it is with social media or through the mail. Also make certain to get the bills all set up in your name.
Jon Huser