Moving when pregnant

Moving when pregnant

Moving house tends to be a stressful time of your life at the best of times, let alone when you are expecting a baby.  Making a move while you are pregnant may not be the most ideal of situations, but it is very rare in life that everything goes according to plan!

Planning and preparation is always of vital importance during relocation, and even more so when you are pregnant.  A lot of women tire very easily when they are pregnant, so it is a good idea to try to get the help of as many people as you possibly can.  Packing can be a stressful experience, but the good news is that if you hire a moving company then they will pack up your entire house for you in a matter of just a few hours and you may be surprised at the cheap deals that you can get with some reputable companies.

If you do intend to pack yourself, begin as early as you possibly can and take it easy.  Never do too much in one go and begin by packing seasonal clothes that you do not currently need.

Essential baby items should be placed in one or two specific boxes so that they are easy to locate should baby make an earlier than expected appearance.  You may also want to make sure that the nursery is set up as soon as possible, so ensure that the necessary items have been placed in their own boxes to ensure easy access.

Lance Grooms