Moving with Pets: Ensuring a Smooth Transition for Your Furry Friends

Moving with Pets: Ensuring a Smooth Transition for Your Furry Friends

Moving to a new home is an exciting yet challenging experience for any family. And when pets are involved, the process becomes even more complex. 

At BMS Moving & Storage, we understand that your furry friends are cherished members of your family, and their comfort and safety during a move are just as important as your own. With over a century of moving experience, we’ve helped countless families relocate with their pets, and we’re here to share our expertise to ensure your next move is a success for everyone – including your four-legged companions.


Pre-Move Preparation: Setting the Stage for Success

1. Visit Your Veterinarian

Before your move, schedule a check-up with your veterinarian. This is crucial for several reasons:

  • Ensure your pet is healthy enough for travel
  • Update any vaccinations
  • Obtain copies of medical records and health certificates (essential for long-distance moves)
  • Discuss any travel anxiety concerns and potential solutions
  • Get recommendations for a new vet in your destination area

2. Update Identification

In the hustle and bustle of moving day, pets can sometimes escape. To prepare for this possibility:

  • Ensure your pet’s collar has a current ID tag with your phone number
  • Consider microchipping your pet if you haven’t already
  • If your pet is already microchipped, update the contact information

3. Familiarize Your Pet with Moving Equipment

The sight of boxes and moving equipment can be stressful for pets. To ease their anxiety:

  • Bring out moving boxes early and let your pet investigate them
  • Leave your suitcases out in the open for a few days before packing
  • If using a pet carrier for the move, let your pet spend time in it beforehand to create positive associations

4. Maintain Routine

As much as possible, stick to your pet’s regular routine leading up to the move. Consistent feeding times, walks, and play sessions can provide a sense of normalcy amidst the changes.

5. Create a Pet-Specific Moving Kit

Prepare a kit with everything your pet will need during the move and the first few days in your new home:

  • Food and water (enough for several days)
  • Familiar toys and bedding
  • Leash and collar
  • Medications
  • Grooming supplies
  • Waste bags or litter box supplies
  • First-aid items

Packing and Moving Day Strategies

1. Designate a Safe Room

On moving day, choose a quiet room where your pet can stay, away from the commotion:

  • Place food, water, toys, and bedding in this room
  • Hang a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door to alert movers
  • Check on your pet regularly throughout the day

2. Consider Professional Pet Transportation

For long-distance moves or if you’re concerned about your pet’s stress levels, professional pet transportation services can be a great option. At BMS Moving & Storage, we can recommend reputable pet transport companies to ensure your furry friend travels safely and comfortably.

3. Gradual Packing

If possible, pack your home gradually over time. This can help reduce your pet’s anxiety by minimizing sudden changes in their environment.

4. Keep Essentials Accessible

Pack a clearly labeled box with pet essentials that you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home. Keep this box easily accessible during the move.

5. Use Calming Aids

Consider using pheromone sprays or diffusers, which can help reduce stress in cats and dogs. Always consult with your vet before using any new products.

A cat ready to move.

Travel Tips: Getting There Safely

When it comes to safely transporting your pets to your new home, there are several important considerations based on your mode of travel. 

For shorter car journeys, ensure your pet is secured in a well-ventilated crate or carrier, never leave them alone in the vehicle (especially in warm weather), plan for frequent stops, and maintain a comfortable temperature. If air travel is necessary, book direct flights when possible, familiarize yourself with airline pet policies, use an approved carrier, and only consider sedation under veterinary guidance.

For long-distance moves, research pet-friendly accommodations along your route, plan regular pet-friendly rest stops, and carry all necessary health documents. Upon arrival at your new home, prioritize pet-proofing by checking for potential hazards, securing all exits, and setting up a familiar “safe space” for your pet. Introduce your pet to the new environment gradually, starting with one room and slowly expanding their territory. 

Don’t forget to update your pet’s microchip information and registration with local authorities, find a new veterinarian, and transfer medical records. Help your pet acclimate to the new neighborhood through supervised exploration, and remember to be patient as pets may need varying amounts of time to fully adjust to their new surroundings.

Special Considerations for Different Pets

While the general principles of moving with pets apply broadly, each type of animal has unique needs and challenges during relocation, so let’s explore some specific considerations for various pets.


  • Exercise your dog before the move to help them relax during travel
  • Consider using a thunder shirt for anxious dogs
  • Reward calm behavior with treats and praise


  • Keep cats in a secure carrier during the move
  • Set up a quiet room with a litter box, food, and water immediately upon arrival
  • Use pheromone products designed specifically for cats to reduce stress

Small Animals (Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, etc.):

  • Transport in a secure, well-ventilated carrier
  • Provide familiar bedding and toys
  • Keep the carrier stable and at a consistent temperature during travel


  • For short moves, transport fish in bags with their tank water
  • For longer moves, consider hiring a professional aquarium moving service
  • Set up and cycle the new tank before introducing fish


  • Cover the cage during transport to reduce stress
  • Maintain a consistent temperature and avoid drafts
  • Speak softly and offer favorite treats to comfort your bird


  • Use a secure, insulated container for transport
  • Provide appropriate heat sources if needed during travel
  • Minimize handling and loud noises to reduce stress

The BMS Moving & Storage Advantage

At BMS Moving & Storage, we understand that moving with pets requires extra care and attention. Our professional movers are trained to be mindful of your furry, feathered, or scaly family members throughout the moving process. 

Here’s how we can help make your pet-friendly move a success.

Customized Moving Plans

We’ll work with you to create a moving plan that takes your pets’ needs into account. This might include scheduling around your pet’s routine or ensuring certain items are packed last and unpacked first.

Efficient Service

Our experienced teams work quickly and efficiently, minimizing the time your pet needs to spend in a safe room or carrier.

Safe Handling of Pet Supplies

We understand the importance of your pet’s belongings. Our movers will handle pet beds, toys, and other items with care to ensure they arrive at your new home in perfect condition.

Local Knowledge

With multiple locations across the country, we can provide valuable information about pet-friendly areas in your new neighborhood, local pet regulations, and nearby veterinary services.

Storage Solutions

If your move involves temporary housing, we offer secure storage solutions for your belongings, giving you one less thing to worry about while you focus on settling your pet into your new home.

Stress Reduction

By handling the logistics of your move, we allow you to focus on what’s most important – the comfort and well-being of your beloved pets.

A New Adventure for The Whole Family

Moving with pets may seem daunting, but with proper planning and the right support, it can be a positive experience for the whole family. Remember, your pets look to you for reassurance, so staying calm and positive throughout the process will help them adjust more easily.

At BMS Moving & Storage, we’re committed to making your move as smooth as possible for every member of your family–including those with fur, feathers, or scales. Our century of experience in the moving industry, combined with our understanding of the unique needs of pet owners, makes us the ideal partner for your next relocation.

Our team of moving experts is ready to create a customized moving plan that ensures a safe, comfortable transition for you and your beloved pets.

Ready to plan your pet-friendly move? Contact BMS Moving & Storage today for a free, no-obligation quote



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