Office moving tips

Office moving tips

Whether you are moving from a large office or a small one, there are a number of steps that need to be taken to make sure that the removal of all of the office furniture is done as quickly and efficiently as possible.  This can often be a complex and highly confusing period, but the good news is that if you follow the right steps and make sure you are organized, the move should ultimately be quite straightforward.

Around four to six months prior to the relocation, you should construct a list itemizing tasks.  This enables you to keep a track of everything that you have to do.  You should also select someone to coordinate the move and make contact with a real estate broker if you need to rent or sell your current premises.

At the new site, you should decide on how the office will be laid out, decide on a budget, choose a moving company and have new fax and telephone numbers set up.

Around two to four months before the moving day, you should buy labels which feature your brand new address, make sure that the new site is set up for internet access, get some more telephone lines hooked up, and buy some new office furniture such as tables and chairs.

No later than one or two months before moving, you should decide which employee gets which space at the new place, update your firm’s website, alert your vendors and customers to the upcoming change of address, and get access cards and keys ready.

Jon Huser