Olivia Wilde, star of the popular television series “House” and the recent blockbuster ‘Tron: Legacy’, has decided to move out of Venice as she moves up in Hollywood. The starlet has put her house on the market for a steal at $3 million.
The house has three bedrooms and three bathrooms and is quite a cute little place. Wilde moved into the house in 2010 with her soon-to-be ex-husband, Tao Ruspoli. They have decided to end their marriage after eight years citing irreconcilable differences.
Although we’re sorry for the break up of Wilde’s marriage, let’s move on to the house itself. Renowned architect Adam Wheeler, who is based in the L.A. area, recently renovated it. The Cape-style home now reflects the creative Venice arts community in which it is found. Spacious with glassed-in areas, the house has a galley kitchen with open shelving made of white oak. The breakfast nook is the perfect addition to the room.
An interesting note is that the house had a sale pending after just two days on the market. In today’s economy, moving that fast is almost unheard of. We’re not sure where the beautiful Wilde is planning on moving to, but once we find out we’ll try to get you the low down on her new digs. With her boost in fame however, she could move almost anywhere in Los Angeles or the surrounding areas.
Jon Huser