Perhaps best known for their reality television series from several years ago, Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne – Prince and Princess of Darkness – may have bitten off more than they can chew in real estate. They have not only their Malibu house but also their main Hidden Hills house, which they are trying to move out of.
The Osbournes have had their Malibu house on the market off and on for quite a while and the property is current listed at $10 million. Their main residence is currently listed at almost $13 million. We’re wondering why Ozzy and Sharon have decided to put the houses up for sale. Do they simply want to move or do they have to?
While nothing has been confirmed, some other publications have reported there is a tax lien against the couple. Though Sharon is a self-proclaimed shopaholic and Ozzy hasn’t been touring as much lately, we didn’t think under $2 million in unpaid taxes could cause the couple to sell their houses and move. But who are we to say?
A couple of months ago, Sharon actually tweeted a couple of comments that may lead others to believe that it is more likely a bad business decision that have forced the Osbournes to put their houses on the market. Either way, we don’t think the Osbournes will be moving into a shack anytime soon.
It is more likely that they are simply tired of the suburbs. So, moving out of Hidden Hills into a more urban area might be more fitting to their lifestyle. Packed with all the amenities one could ever imagine, the Osbournes’ home will definitely make the next family to move in very happy.
Jon Huser