Packing for storage advice

Packing for storage advice

When it comes to putting items into storage, try to get as much packing done beforehand as you possibly can to help you to work out the size of the storage facility you are going to need.  If you get started early and pack efficiently, you will be able to move your items into storage much more quickly and smoothly.

One good tip for packing your items to be put in storage is to make use of a system.  One method is to mark all of your boxes with the room they came from and a number.  You should keep a notebook and write down the dates on which the box was packed, its number, the room the contents came from, and what it contains.  By making use of this method you will have a record of all the items that you have placed in storage in case you want to access any of your goods at a later stage.

You should always number or label your boxes on their sides, and make sure that you use boxes that are of the appropriate size.  Light items should be placed in large boxes and heavy items in smaller boxes.

When you move your boxes into your rented storage facility you should pack them from the back of the unit and place your oddly-shaped items at the front.  Make sure that you use all the space in your storage facility, including the height; long items should be stored vertically.
