President Obama honors American troops

President Obama honors American troops

Memorial Day is a time to remember the US military troops who have fought for our country in any of the previous wars, not just the latest wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East.  President Obama honored the troops who have fought and lost their lives in wars.  This Memorial Day was also very important because it marks the end of the war in the Middle East, for now.  It is also the first time that many of the soldiers stationed in the Middle East are able to move back home and spend the holiday with their families.

The military moving out of the Middle East is still ongoing and some areas still retain troops who are there to ensure that the peace lasts.  They will slowly trickle out of the Middle Eastern countries to other bases, perhaps even moving back home for a time before they are reassigned to a new base.

Many families were remembered in the President’s speech, especially those who may have lost their lives more recently, such as in the helicopter crash near the Iraq Kuwait border.  Unnamed soldiers were remembered in the speech; they may be unnamed, but are still in the hearts of many because they fought and gave up their lives for our safety.  Many of these unnamed soldiers are from Vietnam and World War II.  There have been many strides made in recent years towards identifying unnamed soldiers, as a result of DNA and better scientific methods for identifying soldiers.  This has allowed them to be named in the cemeteries.
