Random Recycling Tips

Random Recycling Tips

When you move, there is always a ton of stuff that you won’t want or need to take with you to your new home.  So, what do you do with it all?  Well, it is important to properly dispose of certain items, but you can also recycle others.

If you have extra household paint sitting around, you don’t have to throw it away.  In fact, you shouldn’t throw it away as it can cause damage to the environment by being dumped into the landfill.  But, if you don’t want to move with the paint, check into your city’s policies – there may actually be a paint-recycling program.  Such programs take old paint and turn it into new paint.

Like most people, you probably have a ton of shopping bags lying around.  While many people use shopping bags for small trash bags, there’s only so much you can use before you move.  So, if you have paper bags, go ahead and throw them into the recycling bin.  If you have plastic shopping bags, take them to your local grocery store for recycling.

After you move, you might have a ton of packing materials lying around – and who wants that?  Styrofoam peanuts can’t be recycled, but many packaging stores and moving companies will accept them and reuse them.  If you don’t have such a store nearby, you can search online for a place that will accept them via shipment.

Katie Steil