Reducing stress for deployment

Reducing stress for deployment

There are four phases when it comes to deployment in the military – pre-deployment, deployment, return and post-deployment.  Between the receipt of deployment orders for a loved one and the time that they eventually move out of home, there will be a great many emotions that come up.

Spouses often become angry, depressed and frustrated, or even go into denial that their loved one is about to leave.  It is vital that all of those who are affected by the deployment have the space and time to discuss their feelings and try to spend as much time as they can with their loved one before they leave.

Once your military family member has undergone relocation, emotions can vary wildly from both great pride to incredible anxiety.  It is important at this time to reach out to friends and family members, and any other sources of support that you may have, should anxiety and stress start to become overwhelming.  The good news is that there are a number of ways in which the stress of this time can be reduced.

One good method is to get hold of as much information as possible regarding the department of loved ones, while still recognizing the need for operational security.  Try to find the best method of keeping in touch with your loved one and consider the option of care packages in circumstances where phone calls or letters may not be possible.  Reaching out allows people to still feel connected.

Rick Wozniak