Selling your house after relocation

Selling your house after relocation

The unfortunate fact is that there is sometimes no avoiding certain situations that we would really rather not have happen to us.  Circumstances can arise, such as the offer of a new job or the demands of a promotion, that mean that we have to move to a brand new city in a matter of weeks.  A new house you have wanted for some time may be ready to move into and you want your children to have the chance to begin the brand new year of school in their new school so as to make the transition easier on them.  Whatever the reason, the situation can sometimes arise where you have to undergo relocation before you have sold your current home.

If the house has already been sold then the process will inevitably be a good deal simpler, and the paperwork and the closing will just have to be tended to once you have moved.  On the other hand, if your house is still on the market or indeed has not even been listed, attempting to sell your house when you have already moved to a brand new city can prove to be a very challenging enterprise indeed.  If the circumstance involved does concern a new job, one solution is for the partner who has the new position to move first and let the other partner stay behind to deal with the matter of selling the house.  On the other hand, if this is not an acceptable or even a possible solution then the good news is that there are still a number of things which I encourage you to do in order to ensure that your property stays secure, that it maintains its curb appeal, and that it will sell as quickly as possible.

One thing that is easy to do is to make sure that you remain in close communication with your real estate agent.  If you are selling long distance then you will have to rely upon your realtor or agent much more than would be the case if you were still residing in the house concerned.  You need to keep yourself in the loop with regard to how many people have viewed your house and what kind of feedback your agent is receiving.

Another good tip to try, if possible, is to leave a few of your furnishings in the property.  A house that is furnished will always be much more attractive than one that is standing completely empty.  On the other hand, if you have no choice but to take your furnishings with you, another possible option is to leave behind a number of photographs of the rooms as they were when they did have furniture in them.  This will offer viewers a good idea of how much better it looks when fully furnished.

Jon Huser