Spring thaw could mean flooding, here are our best ways to avoid the flood

Spring thaw could mean flooding, here are our best ways to avoid the flood

April showers definitely bring May flowers that’ll increase your home’s curb appeal and value. However, the spring weather change can also result in flooding, which poses a significant risk to your new investment. Fortunately, avoiding this potential risk goes beyond crossing your fingers and hoping the warm Spring sprinkle doesn’t come all at once. All you need is to implement unique tips to avoid flooding in your home. Here are some of the best.

Change the Slope

As your property’s landscape begins to thaw, take some time to thoroughly analyze the layout of the land. If your lot has a downward slope as it connects with your home, or areas in which water can pool, there’s a high risk of flooding that can potentially damage your home. Consider getting the land properly graded, so water can drain away from your home, instead of burrowing inside your basement walls.

Garden to Minimize Soil Erosion

Another excellent way to halt your landscape from becoming a flooding hazard is to garden. Planting fresh fruits and vegetables, flowers, scrubs and even staging stones and other landscape accessories can minimize soil erosion. This is important because soil erosion is the process of the top layer of soil degrading, which can cause slopes and dips in your landscape that can send water to your basement walls.

Clean Those Gutters

Yes, avoiding spring flooding can be as simple as cleaning your gutters. However, what many homeowners forget is that this task isn’t a once-a-year-thing. Instead, you should be cleaning and maintaining your gutters regularly, especially if there’s a lot of stormy weather happening.

Readjust your Downspouts

Speaking of your gutters, readjusting your downspouts can be one of the best things you can do to avoid spring flooding in your home. After all, if the downspouts don’t direct the water away from your home, the water will still pool and cause a risk of damage and flooding.

As a rule of thumb, the downspouts should extend up to six feet to allowing sufficient drainage. Just make sure the water flow is directed away from your home, as well as your neighbors.

Use Rain Barrels

Some States do not allow you to collect rainwater in barrels, such as Colorado, Oregon and Utah, whereas other states such as Texas, Washington and many more allow for rain harvesting but require you to use proper collection methods. So, be familiar with the laws pertaining rain barrels and rain collection in your state and if allowed, consider using rain barrels to collect the water running off of your gutters.

Fix the Roof

As a new homeowner, the last thing you want to hear is that it’s time to replace your roof – a fairly expensive home maintenance task. While it’s certainly recommended to repair your roof if there is significant damage, another budget-friendly alternative is to fix the worst parts first. Take a look for any shingles or pieces that are missing or deteriorating faster than others and focus on repairing those as soon as possible. When you have the means to do so, definitely redo your entire roof, as the damage, leaks and flood risks will only spread until you do so.

Call a Plumber

If the risk of spring flooding is a little more difficult than simply straightening your downspouts, consider calling a plumber for information or hiring one for services such as an installation of a backwater valve.

The most important step to avoiding spring flooding is to prepare for it; take the proper action needed to eliminate the risk altogether. If you’re unfortunately only coming across this article after water damage and flooding has occurred, remove your belongings from the flooding area as soon as possible and store them a storage unit to avoid any further damage.