Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day

Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day

Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day takes place on 11th October every year.  If you missed it, here’s some more background information for next year.  This day Day represents a terrific opportunity to take your beloved teddy bear into work and show it off to your work colleagues.

Given the nature of the day and its title, it is not a particularly difficult endeavor to think of a way in which you can celebrate Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day.  To celebrate Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day in grand fashion, perhaps you could dress up your teddy bear for the big event and make plans for how you can make the most of the occasion.  Take him on a tour of where you work and bring him to lunch with you in the work cafeteria.  You might even let your teddy bear do a work related project – providing your boss does not mind it, of course!

Should Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day happen to fall on a weekend one year, perhaps you could celebrate with your ball of stuffing in a different way instead.  Spend the day with your teddy bear and maybe snuggle up to it.

The date of Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day appears to be the source of some debate but 11th October is certainly the most common date on which people celebrate it, so it makes sense to stick to that.
