Tips for moving overseas

Tips for moving overseas

Moving can be an experience almost guaranteed to bring on some anxiety, regardless of whether you are moving to a brand new city or just down the block; however making a move to a completely new country offers an entirely different set of challenges to deal with.  Try and keep calm while I detail some simple tips that will make your overseas relocation considerably less stressful.

The first thing you have do is to make a decision as to how you will move.  Will you go with just one or two suitcases, or are you taking everything you have ever owned?  How much you decide to take with you will determine whether you will need the services of a professional moving company .

One good tip is to pack as little as you can get away with.  Moving is always a good excuse for having a garage sale or a tag sale, but when you are moving overseas this gives you an even bigger reason to get rid of some of your stuff.  Voltage is often different in other countries, so it is unlikely that you will want to take the great majority of your electrical items.  Decide what you absolutely cannot live without and what will be cheaply available in your new country.  The less stuff that you take with you, the simpler your move will ultimately be.

You also need to stay organized throughout the move, making a checklist of everything you have to do and sticking to it.

Jon Huser