Top 5 Places to Move if You Want a Change

Top 5 Places to Move if You Want a Change

Relocation doesn’t always happen simply because someone has gotten a new job or has transferred to a new location within their current job.  Often, people make long distance move just to make a change in their life.  In other words, sometimes people move just to reinvent themselves and change things up a bit.

Why do people move for change?  Often, retirement brings on a move.  Other times, couples move to a new city when they’ve gotten married.  Perhaps all the kids have grown up and moved out on their own.  If you’re beginning a new stage in your life and want to move to a new city, where should you relocate?

According to a study conducted by the AARP, the top five places to move if you want to reinvent yourself are:

  1. Sarasota, Florida
  2. Raleigh-Durham/Chapel Hill, North Carolina
  3. Loveland/Fort Collins, Colorado
  4. Fayetteville, Arkansas
  5. Bellingham, Washington

The factors that determined these five areas as the best to move to include the cost of living, job availability, affordable housing, access to outdoor recreation, personal safety, healthcare facilities, transportation, culture and entertainment, and universities and colleges.  It is also worth mentioning that just because the AARP conducted the study doesn’t mean these cities aren’t ideal for residents relocating at any age.

– Jon Huser