US drone attack strikes militant hideout

US drone attack strikes militant hideout

The US made a military move on Monday using a drone.  Rather than on the ground military moves that could endanger personnel, the military decided to send in a drone to strike a militant hideout.  The hideout was located in northwest Pakistan, close to the Afghanistan border.  The attack killed at least 12 militant suspects, according to the Pakistani intelligence officers.  Drones fired numerous missiles on the facility in Shawal, which is in North Waziristan.  Two suspects were wounded.

Shawal is in a remote part of the country with many forested ridges and valleys.  It makes a good place for a hideout.  It has been a haven for these militants for years now.  These militants pass between the borders easily, since no one is able to catch them.  The drones have been highly controversial for many years; however, they are key to the US terrorism counter attacks needed to ensure the safety of the US and non-combatants.  The move to use drones has been unacceptable to many foreign sovereignties, although the US does continue to use them.

The US did not state that there was any move to halt the program.  It seems more likely that it will continue to use drones in order to spare US soldiers’ lives whenever possible.  The downside is that sometimes the drones kill individuals not involved in the terrorism.  For the moment the drone program will last, and hopefully new technology can make it better and better so that innocent lived are not lost.
