What Should I Include in My Essentials Box?

What Should I Include in My Essentials Box?

When you move, you definitely need what is called an “essentials box.”  In fact, if you have done any research in preparing for your relocation, you’ve probably even heard of this little phenomenon.  The essentials box will help you get through the first couple of nights in your new home.  But what do you put inside it?

Here’s a list of some of the things you’ll want to include in your essentials box:

  • Toilet paper and paper towels
  • Dish soap, dishtowels, and sponges
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Easy food items for a quick dinner or lunch (nonperishable foods like pasta and sauce)
  • Beverages
  • Pet food and bowls
  • Radio
  • Flashlight and batteries
  • Eating and cooking implements
  • Shower curtain and bath towels
  • A change of clothing
  • Garbage bags
  • Portable tool kit (small hammer, screwdriver, pliers)
  • Scissors and box cutter
  • Important paperwork (medical records, passports, financial information)
  • First-aid kit
  • Medication
  • Toiletries

While you don’t have to pack your essentials box right away, it is a good idea to do so a little while – that way you have it all ready.  In fact, it should be the last box you pack into the moving truck or your car.  This way, it will be the first box you unpack!

Before you Move

Remember, a good rule of thumb for packing your essentials box is to include everything you might need for at least a 24-hour period after you arrive at your new home.

Lance Grooms