When Should You Change School Districts?

Although you may really want to move to a better school district for your children, there may be reasons that it is just not a feasible option at this time.  Perhaps you can’t afford the costs associated with relocation or maybe the commute you would have to work is too large.  Moving is a sacrifice.  But, if you can move to give your kids the chance to attend a better school, here are some things to consider about where your children attend school and a potential new school.

Are There Gangs?

If gangs or bullys overrun your school district, it may be high time to move out of the area or transfer your kids to a differrent school.  You don’t want your children growing up with too much exposure to negative influences.  Though it may be hard to avoid them, you do want to do your best to make sure that your kids have every opportunity to learn and make the most of their life.

What about Metal Detectors?

While most high schools across the country have metal detectors these days, elementary schools should not.  So, if you are in a school district that has metal detectors in all schools, you may want to think about moving away.

What’s the Teen Pregnancy Rate?

It seems like we are always hearing about teenage pregnancy and kids having kids and let’s face it, teenagers are going to engage in some level of sexual activity.  But, in less than stellar school districts it seems that there are more teen moms than others.  So, if there is a high rate of teen pregnancy, you may want to consider this factor when reconsidering a school district for your children.

Katie Steil