Who you should inform about an office move

Who you should inform about an office move

Relocating an office can be complicated, and with so much to do it can be simple to overlook some of the smaller yet equally important tasks.  One of those vital tasks is to make sure that your customers and various companies have been informed about the move.

It is a very good idea, in my opinion, to ensure that the first people you inform about your relocation are your clients.  This should preferably take place about one month prior to the moving date; information should be provided about the new location of your office either by sending out an email with a map enclosed to everybody in the database of your company, a formal letter in the mail or, in the instance of a retail outlet, a notification sign and map placed on the front door.  The information should also be posted to your webpage complete with simple to understand instructions and any other particulars that will help to make sure that your current customers continue to make use of your services in your new location.  An official opening party is a good idea, as is a ‘moving in’ sale.

Vendors and services which your company makes use of on a frequent basis should also be informed, including your printer, office supply store, internet service provider and courier.

You will also need to make sure that you notify your bank of the change early.

Lance Grooms