What makes people move? Sometimes it might be a new job, or wanting to own your own home at last, or to get more space, have a change of scenery, or move nearer to relatives. Surprisingly, however, according to an internet survey, one of the top three reasons for relocation is to get away from relatives!
The survey saw more than 75% of respondents claim that they were moving in order to escape from their relatives, with the information being self selective and the results calculated on the data that was collected from a tally of 432 moves. The top three reasons for wanting to move were to take on new employment (8.18%) and to get a better house and to move away from relatives (both 7.55%). Just 5.66% actually wanted to move to be nearer to family members and/or friends.
The biggest reason why people leave their present home is because of lack of space (a massive 45.8%) with noise or dangerous neighborhoods prompting 29.2% into selling up.29.2% cited a long commute to their place of employment as the motivation for their wish to move. The largest advantage of moving, the results of the survey state, is to have a change of lifestyle, with the second largest advantage being able to make some new friends.
The results of the survey may not be entirely scientific, but they are certainly undeniably intriguing. Of the people who responded to the survey, 45.8% owned their own homes. 83.3% of the respondents were women. The National Association of Realtors says that more than 18% of homebuyers are single women, in comparison to just 9% of men, which is a massive increase from just one generation ago. The housing industry might just be overlooking a large demographic – the female internet surfing nomad.
The National Association of Realtors’ bi-annual home selling and buying survey reveals that 42% of people who buy new homes do so from the position of being renters, with 36% owning a single family residence and a further 6% having owned a shared wall abode, which is a close approximation to the survey mentioned above. The number one reason in the National Association of Realtors survey as to why buyers decided to make a housing change is to be able to own a home of their own, at 37%, with the great majority of home buying apparently being voluntary. Just 15% of homebuyers select their new home because they were forcibly relocated, and there are no statistics in existence to suggest that their move may have been a result of other situations such as debt.
Other results suggest that 16% of homebuyers want more space before they get married or have children, with 8% wanting a bigger home for investment purposes and 5% wanting to be nearer to work or schools or loved ones.
Lance Grooms