A Few Tips for Moving Day

A Few Tips for Moving Day

Moving dayKeeping moving day stress to a minimum is not easy. If you have planned your move properly then the actual moving day itself should not be too much of an issue and there are plenty of things you can do on the day itself to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

The first thing to do is to make sure that you are around while the professional movers are packing the truck. Sometimes they will have questions for you and if you are not there to answer them then there could be an issue. If you have to leave at any point, try to make sure that there is someone there who can help.

Make sure that anything that you do not want to go on the van is clearly marked and placed away from everything else. Your essentials box, for example, should travel with you rather than on the truck, as you are going to want to unpack this almost instantly. If you leave this box to be packed with the others then it could be the middle of the day before you see it again. Keep any paperwork relating to the move with you as well, as you never know when you are going to need this on the day.

Make sure that the kids have their own essentials box, as once you get to your new home it is going to be hard to keep the kids entertained while you sort everything out. Talk to the moving company about putting these boxes on the truck last so they can be uploaded first and the kids can be entertained while you are unpacking.

It may be that you have asked a friend or relative to take care of the children while the packing is underway. Some people recommend that the children return home before the truck leaves for the new home so that they can gain an understanding of what is happening; however, you also need to consider the practicalities of having children there on the day. Children need attention and this can be time consuming when you are busy.

Talk to the driver to get a few more details. Find out exactly when they are expecting to arrive at your new home, but bear in mind that this is just an estimate. There are many factors that can affect the arrival of your possessions, such as traffic, so allow some leeway on the time. Make sure that the moving company has your cell phone number so that you can be contacted if any problems are encountered along the way.

Before the moving company leaves to take your things to your new home, make sure that you go through the house one last time. Check every closet, the garage, attic, the space under the stairs and any crawl places for forgotten items. Remember to check all your walls – it is so easy not to notice that a picture has been left up. Once you are happy that everything has been included you can give the professional movers the nod to leave.