Advice for College Freshman Moving From Home

Advice for College Freshman Moving From Home

Everyone who has gone through it knows that the transition from living at home with Mom and Dad to college life can be exciting, overwhelming, and even scary at times.  But, there are a number of things that the whole family can do to make this move a little easier on everyone.  So, if you are planning on moving away to college or have a child that is preparing for a long-distance relocation, we’ve got some advice.

As a student that is preparing to move away from home for the first time, stay positive and relax!  Remember, other college freshmen are going through the same thing you are.  So, take the time to familiarize yourself with your new city after your move, introduce yourself to students in your classes, and explore as much as possible.  This is an exciting time for you – moving is one of those life-changing events that everyone goes through.  Just remember, if you get homesick your family is just a phone call away.

If you are a parent helping your child get ready for a move to college, it is very important that you offer continued support throughout this period.  You may notice a change in the way your son or daughter dresses, studies, or reacts to certain situations – this is normal.  One of the most important things to remember, as a parent, is to avoid unannounced visits after your child has moved.

– Jon Huser