After the move

After the move

Once the move has been completed, you can start the process of settling in to your new home and getting to know the new area.  This is the time for you and your family to enjoy yourselves and find out everything that your new environment has to offer.

After the move you should work out where the closest shopping areas are to your new home and arrange essential services such as cable television, newspaper delivery and telephone.  You can register to vote, join the local library, and arrange for your insurance policies to be transferred to a new agent.  You will also need to find a new dentist and a new doctor, and arrange for your medical records to be transferred.

When your possessions are delivered to your new home, you should ideally be there.  If this is simply not possible for some reason, you should make sure that a family member or responsible friend will be present to take delivery of all your possessions.  The moving company will inform of you of the expected time of arrival of the moving truck; however, you should keep in contact with your movers to make sure that everything is still on track.