Sometimes, in order to relocate a lease must be broken. This is not always an ideal situation, as it will likely end up costing you money. Remember, we are not legal experts, so if you are faced with breaking your lease when you move, it is a good idea not only to know your lease terms well, but to consult a professional.
However, if you do need to relocate and are still under a lease, we’ve got some tips for you. Keep these in mind before you move:
· Always read and know your lease contract. Every lease will have a release clause and will list your responsibilities as the tenant.
· Know your local state and city laws before you break the lease. If there is no release clause, this is especially important.
· Decide after you know the penalties. Most penalties for breaking a lease are at least one or two month’s rent. This may be a high price for you, so decide to move only after you know what it will cost you.
· Let your landlord know. If it looks like you will be breaking your lease, let your landlord know as soon as possible. The more notice you give the landlord, the more flexibility you may have for negotiating when it comes to the penalty.
· Sublet, if possible. Some landlords will not allow you to sublet, but if it is an option, you may want to consider subletting since it will help avoid penalties.
· Keep paying the rent. Just because you have to move doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay. You don’t want to breach your lease contract.
Lance Grooms