Calculating an Office Move Budget

Calculating an Office Move Budget

There are many different costs involved in organizing an office move and these need to be reviewed carefully to prevent them from spiraling out of control.

The first thing you need to consider when organizing a commercial relocation is the cost of starting again in a new location. There will be a number of expenses involved in setting up again, including lease costs and the cost of closing an old lease. There may also be costs involved in getting the new place altered to suit the requirements of the business; therefore, make sure that these costs are factored in as soon as you find the new office.

Then you need to add in the cost of any licenses or permits that you might need from the local authorities. Connection fees are also a consideration, as some utility companies will want deposits for your new services.

As part of the budget for your office move you need to take into consideration the cost of actually physically moving your items to the new office. If the moving company is handling specialist equipment then this could prove to be more expensive than you might think and is something that you should find out about early in the process.

Don’t forget that you may need your staff to work extra hours to get everything packed up in time for the move, which will cost in overtime payments. Try to calculate how many hours you think might be needed so that this cost can also be added to the budget early on.

– Lance Grooms