Coping with military relocation

Coping with military relocation

One of toughest challenges posed by having to make a move in the military is dealing with the effect that it will have on your children.  Moving your home results in a series of concerns, emotions and worries for children, regardless of their age.  Parents should do their best to paint the relocation in a positive light so that children can come to view it as an exciting adventure for their family rather than as something scary or negative.

It is important for children to be reassured that they are still cared for and loved.  Listen to their worries and find methods to achieve emotional stability regardless of the other stresses you may be under yourself. 

Maintaining routine and family structure during the move is also important, as established traditions and routines help children to feel secure and safe despite of the other changes that may be taking place. It is also a good idea to allow children to become involved in aspects of the relocation, from packing their own rooms to being able to explore their new neighborhood.  Military children and families that are in the throes of a military move will find a helpful list of reading material on

The impact of relocation on the children of service members is focused on by the Military Impacted Schools Association, which works with school districts that tend to have a high number of military children.  Its website offers resources and articles relating to counseling and online tutors and beyond.

Rick Wozniak