Educational opportunity for military children

Educational opportunity for military children

Happy and successful military families mean happy and successful service members.  Strong military families contribute to the retaining and strengthening of the armed forces in the United States; therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the impact of frequent military moves on families and children is minimized.

Continual military moves to new duty stations can be a challenge, particularly for families with children  in school.  Parents want the transition from one school to another to be a smooth one and are often concerned about their kids not being enrolled in the right classes, not being allowed to take part in their favorite sports, and even not being able to graduate on time.  These concerns have led to the creation of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (ICEOMC).

The ICEOMC is an agreement between participating states to relieve some of the issues that parents of children who have to move schools often come across.  Military parents need to know about the issues that the agreement deals with to make sure that their children are able to benefit from the educational opportunities available to them.

Every state that becomes a member of the ICEOMC agrees to deal with these issues in a consistent manner and thus cut down on the amount of disruption faced by military kids shifting between state school systems.  There are general policies in four important areas – eligibility, placement, enrollment and graduation – and member states work together  to resolve specific moving issues for individual students.
