Finding childcare for families in the military

Finding childcare for families in the military

Finding good quality childcare is a daunting enough task for people under normal circumstances, but there is an extra level of difficulty for families who are in the military.  Given how frequently military families tend to have to move, the task of finding good childcare becomes even more of a worry.  It generally takes time for children to be able to acclimatize to their new environment following their relocation and for parents to establish trust with the childcare provider.

The good news, however, is that there are actually a lot of options for childcare for families in the military, from centers off-base to home providers.

Child Development Centers are actually located on military bases.  These are daycare centers that accept all children from six weeks old to children of school age and offer care that is full time, hourly, part-time, or before and after school hours.  These centers are very affordable and have a tendency to fill up extremely quickly, so it is a very good idea to phone up as quickly as you can and put your child on the inactive waiting list the moment you receive your new orders and know where you will be moving to.

Another option is on-base family childcare providers, which are allowed to offer over ten hours of childcare every week and have had to undergo specialist training, background checks, inspections and interviews.
