Five Best Cities for Baby Boomers to Live and Retire

Five Best Cities for Baby Boomers to Live and Retire

The time is coming for Baby Boomers to start retiring, though many have been known to work well into their golden years.  But, if you’re over 50, chances are you might have your eye on the prize and may be thinking of moving to a new city for your retirement.  But where should you go?

According to AARP, the five top cities for Baby Boomers and seniors to live throughout retirement include:

1.     Portland, Oregon

2.     Boston, Massachusetts

3.     Atlanta, Georgia

4.     Milwaukee, Wisconsin

5.     Chandler, Arizona

But, just because these cities happen to be the top five according to AARP, that doesn’t mean you can’t consider moving to other areas.  It really depends on where you want to be, where your family is, and what your goals are for retirement.

There are plenty of other great cities throughout the country, many of which are good for retirees and seniors.  Some other options for relocation might include:

1.     Burlington, Vermont

2.     Traverse City, Michigan

3.     Austin, Texas

4.     Mankato, Minnesota

5.     Punta Gorda, Florida

So, why did these cities make the grade in AARP’s opinion, but may not necessarily show up in other studies?  AARP focuses on what makes a city great for older residents, specifically.  These cities were chosen based on what AARP deems “livable” for older people – new urbanism, mixed-use development, easy living standards, and smart growth.  Additionally, the number of retirees moving to these areas has increased in the last couple of years.

Lance Grooms