Helpful Tips When Researching a New School for Kids Post Move

Helpful Tips When Researching a New School for Kids Post Move

Moving can be hard for the entire family, but even more so for the little ones. Switching schools can be a real challenge for kids; they’re uprooted from everything and everyone they know, and then thrown into a classroom with strangers. As a parent, it can be hard to remember what it’s like being a kid but it’s easy to make this transition go smoothly for them. It starts with some helpful tips and tricks to finding the best school for your kids post move.

Speak with Your Real Estate Agent

If you’ve taken the time to find a reputable, renowned real estate agent, they are likely an expert on the area in which you’re moving to. As such, they can be full of valuable information about public and private schools, as well as the type of neighborhoods that may interest you. Real estate agents can inform you of the public and private school options, school boundaries and much more.

This is an important step to never underestimate. The community and area in which you move to can play a huge role in the experience your kids have as they transition into a new social circle and school system. So, ask an expert; ask a reputable real estate agent.

Conduct Your Own Research

While it’s always good to receive recommendations from someone who is familiar with the area and the schools, it’s also important to conduct your own research and form your own opinion. After all, you’re making a decision that pertains to your child’s education and it’s a decision you want to be comfortable with.

Research the schools in the area, as well as the test scores, extra-curricular activities, programs and even online reviews about the school system, teachers and programs. The more information you have, the more confident you’ll feel with making such an important decision.

Take a School Tour

Take a field trip to the schools you’re interested in. There’s no better way to discover what a school is like other than seeing it for yourself. Schedule a time to meet with the principal and teachers. Have some questions prepared that you’d like to ask, such as the school’s disciplinary policy, busing system, curriculum standards etc. You’ll leave the meeting having a better understand of the school, it’s staff and the education your child will receive.

Visit the Areas Surrounding the School

Although the old saying goes, “never judge a book by it’s cover,” when it comes to your child’s education, it’s safe to say that you can be as judgmental as you’d like. After all, education is a huge decision and if something doesn’t feel right or doesn’t appear to be beneficial, it’s crucial to listen to your intuition.

One thing that may concern you as a parent is the type of kids that go to the schools you’re interested in. Take a drive around the surrounding areas. If you see a lot of graffiti, damage, garbage and disrespectful behavior, you may want to think twice about the schools in the area. Generally, you want a school that is in an area that portrays safety, opportunity and valuable experiences and this can come from not only the school system, but the children and areas that encompasses it.

Speak with Your Children

Depending on the ages of your child, you may want to speak with them directly in order to gain more perspective. Sometimes, children have the ability to see beyond what meets the eye and as such, they can bring plenty of value to the process of choosing a school.
That’s also not to mention that you want your child to feel happy and confident with the school you choose, and speaking with them is the only way to discover how they feel.

Choosing a new school for kids after a move is a very important decision. It should never be taken lightly, and with these helpful tips, you’re on the right path to finding the perfect education for your little ones.