It is easy to protect your valuable possessions when you put them into storage by following a few simple pieces of advice. Goods that are being placed into storage can be protected by covering or wrapping them with packing products such as butcher paper, removalist felt blankets, and extra-wide bubble wrap. Clothing that is being placed in storage can be protected by making sure that it has been cleaned and ironed before being packed and that it is packed with cedar blocks or some other kind of anti-moth product.
Padding is vital for the protection of all of your belongings, which should be separated with bubble wrap, cardboard, cushions and felt blankets both when in storage and while being moved; this prevents both rubbing and damage being caused by compression over a long period of time. A quality storage facility will have been kept spotlessly clean; however, even so, it is a good idea to provide extra protection to items such as mattresses, boxes, couches and other valuables by positioning cardboard or soft cloths underneath them.
Soft furnishings – particularly mattresses and couches – should always be enclosed in special plastic covers before they are moved into a storage facility. There is always the chance that it will be raining on the day that you move home; by using this method you are making sure that these items are protected both while in storage and during the relocation itself.