How kids can survive the relocation process

How kids can survive the relocation process

Moving to a new state or even a new country can be difficult for children, especially if they get there and feel that they do not like the place and that their parents have made a terrible mistake.  If this is how your children feel after such a move, there are ways to counter this effect by making a concerted effort to try to focus on the positive aspects of the shift, such as new places to explore, new friends to make, and new adventures to experience.

When children first learn of the impending relocation, it is a good idea for them to have a notebook where all of their friends can give them their contact details and their good wishes for the move.  When the move has taken place, allow them to telephone their friends.

Make sure that your children are able to write, email and send and receive packages to and from their friends.  Providing the distance involved is not too extreme, it might also be a good idea to make arrangements so that your children can visit their friends – or vice versa – every so often, perhaps in the school holidays.

Try to encourage your child to find some kind of activity, such as a group or club, with which to get involved.  It is also important to respect your children’s emotions about the relocation and allow them to feel sad or cry, if that is how they are feeling.

Lance Grooms