How to Move into a Retirement Community: Part 3

How to Move into a Retirement Community: Part 3

You have made the decision to move into a retirement community and found one that looks ideal for you; however, there are still some things that you will need to do before the move can be completed and you can start your new life.

One of the most important things that you should do before you move is to check your paperwork.  All forms should have been completed and all costs paid, and you also need to check that you have receipts and copies.  It is also a good idea to make a list of the items that you want to take with you and the items you need to take with you.  The items that you need to take with you are those that are vital to you being able to continue living comfortably, while the items you want to take with you are those that are non-essential but nonetheless have some kind of decorative or emotional value.

Another good tip is to measure all the rooms in the property you are making a move to and pick the items of furniture in your possession that best fit into the space.  If you can, get specific floor plans from the retirement community to make the process go even more smoothly.

Take photographs of the rooms in your current home before you pack your possessions and then you will be able to make use of these photographs later on in order to replicate your home as much as possible in your new environment.
