How to move into a smaller space

How to move into a smaller space

These days more people downsize their homes than they do their businesses, and downsizing brings with it increasingly positive connotations.  Making a move away from a big house that seems to accumulate junk and costs a lot of money to maintain can be tough to accomplish.  It can be difficult to decide what should be taken to the new home with you and what you should leave behind.  You also need to work out how to sell or get rid of all your excess possessions and to find a smaller home that nonetheless continues to meet your needs.

One good tip to keep in mind as you prepare to downsize is to change your mindset.  You should not feel limited by the move.  Especially if you are downsizing because of necessity, it can be very easy to start feeling deflated by the entire experience; however, there can be a great deal that is positive to take from going smaller, including the fact that a smaller home will be easier to upkeep and have lower maintenance costs.  There will also be less pressure to have to play host to big groups of people, which is something that can actually come as a great relief after living in a big house for many years.  Perhaps you are moving nearer to an urban center, which will mean that you are less reliant on your car and have much easier access to cultural events, restaurants and shopping.  These benefits should be kept in mind as you make the move to somewhere smaller.

You also need to set out your major priorities.  You need to think about what you want, need or seriously crave in your living space.  It is important to be honest about this and while you are never going to get everything that you want from a new home, it is still possible to get your biggest priorities; for example, do you want an open floor plan with lots of light, a private outdoor space, or an entrance that is not located in an enclosed hallway?

Deciding what to get rid of is one of the biggest challenges that you will be faced with when making a move to a smaller home.  The first thing you should do is to make a list of the possessions that you absolutely cannot bear to be without.  Identifying the items that mean the most to you from the start can make it easier to realize which possessions you can and should let go of.  Start by getting rid of the obvious things, such as electrical appliances that do not work, clothes that are outdated and books that you have long been intending to donate to charity.  You can then cut back on duplicate items such as multiple sets of china and glassware or endless pairs of scissors.  It is also a good idea to give your relatives the opportunity to take some items that you may not want any more.
