Make a moving checklist

Make a moving checklist

Preparing a checklist can contribute significantly to a well-organized move.  Moving is often regarded as one of the biggest undertakings we experience during our lifetime; however, a moving checklist and some forward planning can really cut down on the frustration and fatigue that can be experienced at this time.

You should come up with a moving checklist around eight weeks prior to the relocation and make sure that all the paperwork associated with the move, such as bills, estimates and receipts, is kept together in one folder.  It is also a good idea to make an inventory of all your belongings and then put them into categories – those belongings you want to move with you and those that can be sold, donated or thrown away.

Another good tip is to use color-coded labels on your moving boxes.  You can use these to make sure that the boxes are placed in the correct rooms in your new home after the move.  The contents of each box should be listed on the label.  Another canny move is to create a floor plan of your new home and mark out where you would like your appliances and furniture to be positioned.

Around six weeks before the move is when you should start cleaning out closets and drawers, arranging for the transfer of medical and school records, and informing everyone who needs to know about your impending change of address.
