Make military moving easier for families

Military families make frequent moves to bases located all over the United States.  While such moves are by no means unusual, the fact that there is not often a lot of advance notice means that there can be a lot of stress placed on family members as a result.

The good news is that there is assistance offered to service members and their families in order to help with the military move.  Families can choose to opt for the Do It Yourself (DITY) option offered by the military. Regardless of how quickly the relocation takes place, or the assistance that is received by your family, there are a number of other tips that can be of help.

Planning is very important.  Military moves can come without a great deal of warning, or sometimes families may know that the relocation is going to happen well in advance.  In either case it is a good idea to have a plan already in place.  Make sure that you have gathered all the important information into one folder, such as contact names, receipts, checklists, phone numbers and dates.  The website of the Department of Defense offers planning tools that focus on military moves in particular.

A lot of families pick the DITY option as it offers them greater control over the relocation and they might even be able to make some money along the way.
