March Madness of a different variety

March Madness of a different variety

March Madness for Americans tends to bring one thing into their minds: basketball.  Yet, there is an interesting factoid that could have you scratching your head.  In Germany, March Madness is much different from the basketball concept.  In recent years, it has been the month wherein many Germans in their early 20s to 30s tend to move.  Experts think this month is particularly important for a move to a new home because spring represents new opportunities, new life, and the need for more space.

There are quite a few expats living in Germany from America.  This is another factor in the March Madness of Germany.  Americans, according to the experts, tend to relocate more often and with fewer issues than other countries.  Many countries believe if you are born in a particular region you generally remain there to help support your family, though even this trend and way of thinking is changing, hence March Madness in Germany.

For March Madness in the US it can also be more than just a basketball consideration.  March is an ideal time to relocate.  Snow is starting to melt and more sunny days appear, making it a comfortable time to move for many.  In summer the temperatures in certain states, such as Nevada, can be too much, thus moving in spring is better.  You could make your own March Madness plan for moving to a new home and round it out with the last game in the March Madness tournament.

Lance Grooms