March Madness offers surprises

March Madness offers surprises

You can find your own brand of March Madness if you move to a new city.  With March Madness being on everyone’s mind, you might consider some of the top college towns as a place to move.  March Madness NCAA tournaments are often held in large cities, and college towns also have basketball.  You will not be without any basketball if you decide to go to a place that has a lot of it and often hosts the March Madness games.  If relocation is what you are after, think about the surprises you can find when watching the live games rather than just watching it on your television.

Of course, if you have already moved and still have to watch the games that are in the final four rounds, make certain you TV is ready.  Even if you are moving before the last few games are played, do not miss out on March Madness considering all of the surprises that have been offered for the 2012 season finale.  There have been hundreds of surprises in the various games that have been played.

For those who are still contemplating a move, think about relocating to somewhere that is warm all year.  You could play basketball with your new friends or co-workers without being cold while playing.  You can always catch a game on TV, like March Madness, but at least if you move to a place that is warm you can enjoy a game now and then without freezing in winter.

Jon Huser