Military moving with a teenager

Military moving with a teenager

The teenage years can be difficult enough at the best of times without the addition of constant relocation, which is such an inevitable facet of life in the military.  If you are faced with such a move, as a parent you need to make sure that your teenager will be able to cope. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to better prepare your teenager for the change.

Prior to the military move you can try to make your teenager feel more comfortable with the notion of relocation by doing some research on your new duty station and the surrounding schools and community.  Make sure you get your welcome packet and a sponsor in order to more easily settle into the new environment.

If you have any neighbors or friends who were previously stationed at the place you are set to move to, it is a good idea to network with them; this will allow your teenager to not only get more comfortable with the thought of living there but perhaps a little excited too.  The website Military Youth on the Move offers specific tips for teenagers and younger children to help them to cope with military relocation.

Teenagers need to say goodbye to their friends, so be understanding if they want to spend as much time as possible with them before they leave.  Communicate with your teenager as much as you can and suggest methods of staying in touch with those they are leaving behind.
