Moving Overseas? What About Your Appliances?

Moving Overseas? What About Your Appliances?

If you are moving overseas, you may not be able to bring all of your appliances with you.  Some just won’t work with the electrical current available, so you might want to seek expert advice before shipping your appliances abroad.

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers for moving internationally with appliances.

Should I Include Major Appliances in my International Shipment?

There is no right or wrong answer without doing any research.  Whether you can bring your major appliances or not will depend on a couple of factors, including:

  • Are you moving for work?  Check out the company’s relocation policy.  Do they allow for major appliances to be included in the shipment?
  • If you are paying for your relocation on your own, check with the moving company to see if major appliances will incur any additional freight fees.
  • You don’t want to pack up appliances that you can’t use overseas, so be sure to check your new country’s regulations.

Will my Appliances Even Work Overseas?

It is important to remember that what works in the United States may not necessarily work overseas.  There is a lot you need to check out before moving with your appliances, including:

  • Is the electrical voltage compatible?  If it isn’t, can your appliance be modified with a transformer to work overseas?  Does your appliance have a multi-voltage option?
  • Not all TVs, VCRs and DVD players will work overseas due to differing broadcast signals.
  • What is the plug/socket configuration in your destination country?  Will your appliances be able to be plugged in?  Can you find a converter?
  • Will your current appliances even fit in your new space?  Figure this out before you move!

Will I Need Something Different?

It all depends on your local circumstances and appliances.  Consider these possibilities:

  • Are you moving to a tropical location?  You might need a larger refrigerator for storing more food.
  • You might not even need a vacuum cleaner as many modern houses overseas have built in vacuum systems.
  • If you need hot water for laundry, you may need a washing machine with a built-in water heater.

Do I Buy it Now or Later?

In most cases, if you are moving overseas, you may want to wait before buying any major appliances to save on relocation costs.  But there are some factors that might cause you to make the purchase before you actually move.  Consider:

  • Are appliances easy to find in your new country?  Will the suppliers be well stocked?
  • What are the prices like?  Will it be more cost-effective to buy the appliance now and ship it with the rest of your stuff or buy it after you move?

What Do I Do About Servicing?

Before you move with your appliances, make sure that you will be able to get them serviced. Some appliance warranties apply only within the United States.  If you decide to buy a new appliance and move with it, make sure the warranty or guarantee offers international coverage.  Remember, your host country might not have sufficient servicing or maintenance options.

Lance Grooms