Moving Your Office Affects Your Employees

Moving Your Office Affects Your Employees

There are plenty of reasons you may need to move your company – downsizing, cheaper rent, expansion, or a better location.  The entire relocation process can be quite involved and it is important to remember that moving your office will affect your staff.  Keeping employees informed about the move will be your first step in making the transition as smooth as possible.

An office relocation can be very stressful on the employees and may even affect their work.  We’ve put together some things you can keep in mind to make sure that your employees are kept in the loop:

  • Let everyone know where the new office is as soon as possible.  This way, they will know how their morning commute will change.
  • If any part of the relocation will affect any specific employee or department, speak to those people as soon as possible.
  • It may be beneficial to give employees affected by a longer commute a more flexible schedule as long as your business’ needs allow for it.
  • Keep everyone informed on whether or not parking will be free.
  • Keep employees involved in every aspect of the move, when possible.  Get their feedback.

Remember, happy employees are employees you want to keep around.  They are productive and an integral part of your business.  So, if you are moving your company, remember that it will affect them directly and you should do your best to make the move as easy as possible.

Jon Huser