Neighborhoods to consider in Milwaukee

Neighborhoods to consider in Milwaukee

Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a city that has plenty to offer those who are considering relocating, whether for work or for family reasons. Less than 100 miles from Chicago, this city has a number of neighborhoods that are worth considering if you are looking for a new home.

First up we will look at Northpoint. This is close to the downtown area of the city and several thousand people have already set up home here. Views of Lake Michigan help to make this a very desirable location for those who want to move to Milwaukee and a number of the homes are historic. The area has plenty of parkland and beaches and during the summer months you can get out and about and enjoy the good weather. Amenities in the area include shops, restaurants and bars. Northpoint has a much lower crime rate than some other areas, making it a great place to settle with your family.

Next on the list for consideration is Murray Hill. If you are moving to Wisconsin this area could be the one for you. It is also close to the downtown area of the city and is larger than Northpoint in terms of population. There are plenty of shops and schools here and it has a low crime rate; however, you will find that house prices are slightly higher here as a result.

Juneau Town has an unusual name and was named after Solomon Juneau, the fur trader. This is a historic part of the downtown area and has plenty of amenities. If you want to be in the heart of the city rather than in the suburbs, this is definitely a neighborhood you should consider; however, property prices do reflect the location and are dramatically higher than the city’s average.

Next up is Lower East Side. Again you would be within easy reach of the downtown area and this part of the city is home to the marina and a number of parks. There are plenty of shops and restaurants within easy reach and one of the reasons people choose to settle here is the lower price of property, even though prices are still higher than the average for the city. Crime rates are also lower than the average for the city, but not as low as in the neighborhoods already mentioned.

Kilbourn Town is a neighborhood located to the west of the Milwaukee River. This is also a historic part of the town and when the city was first developing this part was established to compete with Juneau Town; however, it does look a little different, with larger, historic buildings and wider streets. This is considered to be one of the top areas in the city for shopping and entertainment. The area also has a good number of schools and one of the main attractions is that the housing prices here are much lower than the average for the city; therefore, this is a great choice if you are on a budget.