North Korea angered over US moves

North Korea angered over US moves

The US remained steadfast against the nuclear test launch in North Korea last week.  The US military remaining in Okinawa, Japan was on alert for a military move should one become necessary.

Now that North Korea has launched the rocket, the US has threatened to stop food aid delivery.  It was a threat made before the rocket launch, stating that if North Korea wanted to continue and go against NATO, South Korea, Japan, and the US with its launch then the US would stop the delivery of food.  The UN Security Council condemned the launch.  On Friday, after the failed launch, the Obama administration stated that it would stop the agreement to send food to North Korea since the launch was against the UN suspension of nuclear programs.

North Korea is apparently not afraid that the military is currently on standby for movement.  In fact it announced its own threat that if food is not sent it would start retaliatory measures against the UN and US for withholding the much-needed food.  North Korean ministers stated that their sovereignty and dignity is important to them and that US military movements to South Korea go against that, and that the US has wrecked the peace in the Korean Peninsula.  South Korea did not have a problem with the US being on hand.  In fact South Korea stated that dignity should not be more important than the citizens of the country, meaning that North Korea should not launch the rocket and instead keep the peace and obtain the needed food.
