Packing and moving the contents of the living room

Packing and moving the contents of the living room

It is a fact that it can be a more complicated process to pack up and move the living room than is the case with the dining room or bedrooms due to the amount of electrical items that are generally stored in the living room as well as smaller items such as books, DVDs and figurines.

The first step in packing and moving the contents of the living room is to sort through all the items and make things as simple as you can.  Go over each shelf and through every drawer to find out which items you want to move and which would be better sold in a garage sale or given away to charity.

The next step is to pack up all wall decorations and draperies.  Take down all mirrors and pictures from the walls, including blinds, drapes and sheers.  For original art or paintings that may be very valuable, you might want to hire a professional service to ensure that this task is carried out correctly.  Talk to your moving company or contact a professional packing service in order to ask about packing options and rates for such items.

For curtains and drapes you should make use of wardrobe boxes.  These can be bought from your moving company or a moving store, with the curtains, drapes and sheers hung over the crossbar.  The curtain rods should be taken down and put in a box, and if you cannot get hold of a wardrobe box then the drapes should be folded and placed in the drawer of a bureau.

Lance Grooms