Packing and moving tips

Packing and moving tips

Almost 20 million people in America move in the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day, with almost 50% of the moves in the country happening within these three months.  Fortunately there are a number of tips that you can follow to achieve a cheaper, faster and smarter move.

Packing always takes a lot longer than you initially think it will, so you should begin the packing process no later than two weeks prior to the day of the move.  You should start off by packing the goods that you use least often.  Books and china are good examples of items with which to kick off the process of packing.

Strategic packing is also important.  Make use of a large symbol or label on those boxes that you know you will need to open first.  Possessions that you will need to make use of on the first day following the relocation – such as a change of clothes, sheets, toiletries and towels – should be placed in a clothes hamper or a suitcase for the sake of easy access.  It is also a good idea to make one particular place in your home the specific area for packed boxes.

You can save money on buying boxes by acquiring ones that have already been made use of beforehand.  Heavy items should be packed in small boxes.  Many people fill large boxes with such heavy items that they end up breaking, which results in moving day taking longer than it should.
