Preparing for a New Roommate

Preparing for a New Roommate

Make sure you'll get along with your new roomateFinding a new roommate, especially if things ended badly with your previous one, can be a daunting task.  But, if you need a roommate to move in to help cover the costs, what can you do to ensure that your next roommate doesn’t cause any problems?  Before moving in with someone, it is important to screen the person beforehand.

One of the best things you can do when considering someone as a roommate is to visit their current home before you move in together.  Get a good look around his or her home environment.  Are they messy?  What are his sleeping and eating habits?  If you think you can handle it, keep on preparing.

You should also consider your potential roommate’s finances.  Does this person have a steady source of income?  You don’t want to move in with someone you aren’t sure can pay the rent.  A responsible person that has similar interests as you is always a good choice.

As you consider a potential roommate, find out everything you can about that person before you decide to move in together.  Once you do move in together, it is a good idea to create a roommate agreement.  Basically, you should put everything in writing.  Things to include might be:

  • · Noise levels – should there be designated quiet hours?
  • · How will you divide the household chores?
  • · Will you share food and get groceries together?
  • · How will you divide the bills?
  • · How will you handle disputes?  Set up a schedule to meet and discuss how things are going.
  • · What will happen if one of you needs to move out before the lease is up.

Lance Grooms