It should go without saying that the more prepared you are for your office relocation, the larger the probability that the move will be a successful one that turns out to be both smooth and profitable for your business. The best way to prepare for an office move is to create a moving checklist.
An office relocation checklist will guide you through all the stages of preparation and planning; in this way you can make certain that all tasks have been completed and checked off before your office is packed up on moving day by the professional moving company that you have chosen for the task. There are a number of helpful tips for you to follow that will be of great assistance in the lead up to your office relocation.
Staff valuables are something that need to be thought about. While the business cannot be held responsible for any of the personal possessions of staff members, this fact needs to be relayed to your employees so that they can make sure to take their personal belongings such as checks, licenses and cash home with them. Make sure that their office moving crates are allocated to them prior to the day of the move so that they can pack their desk possessions themselves.
When the day of the office move does arrive, all files should be correctly installed in filing cabinets and then the cabinets should be locked, with the key kept in a safe location away from items that are likely to be packed.
Gene Salaz