Putting items into storage

Putting items into storage

You can save time and ensure that your items are kept in the best condition possible when putting them into storage by packing them in the correct manner in the first place.  Your local storage facility will probably be able to offer specialist packaging materials such as bubble wrap, portarobes, high-quality boxes, and boxes specifically intended to house LED and plasma TV sets.

When it comes to putting items of furniture into storage, you should never try to move items such as drawers and wardrobes while they are full, as you are likely to end up breaking them.  They should be emptied of their contents and only filled up again when they have been moved and fully assembled in the storage facility.

Strong secure boxes should be used to store personal goods and clothing, while plastic should be wrapped around cushions before they are placed in storage.  Items of furniture such as the bases of beds and tables should have their legs removed, if possible, in order to cut down on the risk of the legs being damaged and to create more space within the storage facility.

White goods such as fridges and freezers should be cleaned, dried and emptied before being placed into storage, and their doors should be left slightly ajar to prevent mold from building up.  Another good idea that can help to maintain freshness within such white goods is to place deodorizers inside them.
