Reduce the hassle of a military move

Reduce the hassle of a military move

Whether it is your first military move or the latest in a long line, the event is always a tumultuous one and everyone is faced with the same decisions and upheaval.  Such moves are a fact of life in the military and every move brings with it its own unique features.

There are some helpful tips that can assist you to prepare you for your next military move.  One good tip is to create a spending plan.  Budgeting is imperative; sometimes expenses that were not expected can crop up, and some families might also have to cope with the temporary loss of the income of one spouse.  The financial burden can be eased by learning about moving and travel allowances.  The website Military OneSource features a money management page that provides not only information but also the chance to connect with a financial counselor, who will be able to help you to create a personal budget.

Planning ahead is vital for any relocation.  A good plan will involve the creation of to-do lists, completing the necessary paperwork to register your children at their new school, and doing research on your new installation.  There are online tools for service members and their families than can help with this forward planning, including MilitaryINSTALLATIONS and Plan My Move.

When you start the process of planning, you need to set up a command central in your home where you can keep important phone numbers, prescriptions, moving paperwork, travel documents and anything else that you will need easy access to.
